Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Sorry I haven't been posting.  I was just so exhausted after Japan and resting two days did not seem enough plus I got sick.  I'm also trying to buy Big Bang concert tickets, not to mention my computer is crap (Ace might be arriving with a new laptop for me...I'm super excited) and of course planning lessons =P.  I'm slowly uploading my camp and Japan pictures so I'll hopefully have a post up about those soon.

So in school students have two more weeks before they have their vacation to start the next school year (it doesn't really make sense but that's how it works here), so we don't have to teach morning classes.

While I was doing my lesson, my co-teacher pointed out that it was snowing outside, I was shocked at the big flakes but thought "no biggie..I'm from Canada."  Like minutes later I looked up again...

SNOW!! It's the most snow we've had all year here.  Apparently, this is more than what they have in Canada.  Although, I did hear that Torontonians are going to be waking up to a lot of snow as well.

Even more snow after school.

On my way home.  Yes...I got excited.

Baseball kids at my school hard at work. We're supposed to have a pretty good team so I'm not surprised practice was still on with all this snow.  Then again, the kids could have just been having fun on their own.

In case I haven't posted a picture of my school <3

Sorry for the blurry picture.  You know you're in Korea when everybody has their umbrellas out because of snow =P.

Things to look forward to:
1. Winter camp pictures..have to try to choose ones without student faces which will be hard, a lot of people have been asking to see my class, so I should have those up next
2. Japan pictures..I'll probably post most of the pictures on facebook, it's just easier but I'll talk about my experiences here more

Also..as a side note, Ace will be here in less than two weeks.  I'm SOOOOO EXCITED!!! and also I am very sorry to everybody who I have annoyed talking about this matter LOL.

I hope everybody is having a happy and exciting winter as well.  Keep warm and stay safe.  Don't catch a cold and if you do, find an amazing friend like I did, who would buy some overpriced honey for you ;) <3


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