When we arrived in Seoul last Thursday, one of my co-teachers and the teacher-head of my school picked me up, fed me and drove me to my apartment. The native teacher that was living in my apartment before me had just left earlier that day so they had no time to clean up, so they spent 2 hours helping me clean up my entire apartment. Amazing right?
Then, the day after, last Friday, was the first the I arrived at my school. Another co-teacher I met that day told me that it would take a few weeks for me to get my ARC, so what did she do?
She stole her daughter's phone and said, "you can use this until you get your own."
Yesterday, the same co-teacher realized that my webcam didn't work so she gave me hers and told me I could keep it until I buy one myself.
The tool that allowed me to webcam my boyfriend, mom and friend in Canada. Before this, I was upside down and speechless because my mic was broken =P.
My main co-teacher is always telling me that she tries her best to help native teachers because she has children in the States and she knows how difficult it is to adjust to a new country and new environment. She somehow figured out that I would not be able to live without a phone where I can check my emails and text messages every few minutes, so she went out with me to find a phone.
LG - SU760, apparently it's a new phone, I would've taken anything so I'm super happy.
Koreans are awesome, because I got a new phone, they told me that I get a gift with purchase.
I don't know how any of this has anything to do with a cell phone but at least now I have extra detergent and paper towels =P.
Because I was too busy getting a phone with my co-teacher, I wasn't able to have lunch with my friend, Claudia.
I cooked my own instant jjajang myun, it's definitely not as good as the ones in restaurants.
I'm extremely lucky and thankful to have such amazing co-teachers. People are truly what makes a difference in life. Even though this experience has been pretty overwhelming so far, I'm glad that I have all these people in my life who care about me and makes this transitional period that much easier. =)