My "costume." Haha..this was lying around soooo yea..
Typo? LOL
MCs =)
Grade 5s
Principal's speech.
Top 6! Love my 5s!! I wasn't able to get pictures of the students actually competing though =(
Grade 6s during round 2.
Show your answers please!
Grade 6, top 6.
After Golden Bell, we had lunch and left the school early at 2:00pm. Every month we have a day where we could leave slightly early. Today we decided to go to an Art Museum. One of my co-teachers studied art in university and she said that she used to go to this museum a lot.
It was free but they gave us this. I think they stamp it and you can use it for parking?
"Competing Life"
"The More, the Better." I thought this was so cool..dunno why.
From up top.
I wasn't supposed to take a picture of this buuuut..I just pretended like I didn't understand.
There was nothing else really interesting in the museum. So we just went to the gift shop. I swear other than the TVs..the gift shop was probably the most exciting thing there.
Window display. COOL!
Fancy chair.
Beauty and the Beast-esque. I want this.
You can't really see it in the picture, but you can put tea leaves in the plastic/glass thing to steep your tea without having to drink tea leaves =).
"Tea Fishing" Super cute! but super expensive =( BUT SUPER CUTE!
Teaches you how to use it. COME ON..the couple are fishing out the tea bags! SUPER CUUUUTE!
Just 'cause =)
The view outside.
"Singing Man" He sings throughout the day for an hour straight. First it was kind of cool, but after a minute, you KIND OF want to shoot yourself. He doesn't so much sing, as he just makes this creepy sound that would freak you out if you heard it alone in the dark. But his mouth moved =)
My co-teacher bought a mat...
...and blankets.
We decided to kind of camp out/have a picnic. It was awkward at first but I actually kind of liked it. Well...until the man started "singing" LOL.
I swear my head is bigger but she keeps insisting hers is bigger. I never really cared about how big my head was until I came to Korea. FML!
KIMBAP and DDEOKBOKKI!! Can you tell food's my favourite part?!?! =D
My coteacher was lying down and we said she looked homeless so she said "do you want to take a picture?" Of course I did! =P She said don't post it but I'm sure she won't be reading this so I should be safe =).
Even though I don't spend too much time with my co-teachers outside of school, I love the time I do spend with them. A lot of times they're not even really talking to me but I just feel so comfortable being silent around them. They really make me feel like a baby sometimes too, it's kind of sweet actually. They're always worried about me being cold, since my hands are ALWAYS freezing (those of you at home must be so happy that I won't be sticking my hands down your necks for a year =P). Also, because I have a slight cold, I was also super tired. Normally, people will just suggest to go home, but my co-teacher just pushed my head on her lap and told me to sleep. LOL..she kept adjusting the blanket to make sure I was warm too. Some might think it's weird, but I think its comforting =).
Hope you all stay warm and cuddly =)